Thursday, March 8, 2012

May need some apples

With healthcare being one of the most talked about topics, it may seem redundant to blog about it but this article brought to my attention an alarming stat. Julie Rovner a writer for NPR noted a survey conducted for the first half of 2011 by the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. The survey of over fifty thousand people showed that one out of three of them were having trouble paying for their medical bills.  In a perfect world everyone will be healthy and get the care they need. Obviously this is not the case. There are over forty seven million people on Medicare and twelve percent of them have trouble still paying the bills. The study not surprisingly found that people under the age of sixty five and have lower income were having the real problems with forty five percent having problems with bills. Rovner , a graduate from the University of Michigan with a degree of political science stated that there are seventy eight million baby boomers going to enter retirement very soon and there needs to be a policy overhaul for these people to receive the medical care they need. I definitely have to agree with numbers as large as these.

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