Friday, May 11, 2012

Recent events on gay marriage.

Emily's post on gay marriage in my opinion said all the right stuff just maybe could have used some more facts and solid backing. It is actually unconstitutional for the state to interfere with the institute of marriage. The first amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise. Basically its just up to the church to deem gay marriage is okay or not. Somthing interesting to read on is Obama  has recently shown his full support for gay couples along with his VP Joe Biden . This is actual very surprising seeing how elections are soon and this could effect his votes . I expected Obama to continue to be in the middle of this subject at least until after the election. This surely will cause some unrest in voters not sporting gay marriage . I was expecting a Obama to win this upcoming election but now i think it will be a lot closer. Lets look in another direction what about gay parents.  A lesbian couple adopted two twin girls but since the law states a gay person can only adopt 1 child thy adopted them separately . Though sadly the couple split and since only one parent technically has custody of one child they don't have any say in the others life. One of the mothers moved to Norway with her child and because of this the twins cannot see each other any more. This is a very serious issue that needs some resolve, no child should ever be separated from there family like this.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You pick a very interesting topic to discuss, and this topic has everybody concern and debate upon. I definitely agree with you, and think you made a very point stating that it is unconstitutional for the state to interfere with the institute of marriage. I love that you even state relevant text why you think it is unconstitutional by the first amendment. But in my opinion, even the churches should not being evening the power to decide on gay marriages. This well cause big conflicts between religions and confusion upon believes. I also agree with you on not allowing gay couple to adopt more then one child, and separating siblings. This is completely unethical and unbelievable. The law is cruel,and causes damages.

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